Session Four: Second filming walk- Participatory film-making with young people in Scarborough
The fourth session started with the screening of a mini film produced by compiling together clips captured by the young people in the previous session, to look back at the key images collected.
After watching, the young people were distributed iPads and other portable recording devices so that we could start our second filming walk in Scarborough, this time exploring some areas that young people find problematic.
We started by exploring the area around Sainsbury’s, which has a wide green space, that while young people felt was ok in the middle of the day, can often attract dangerous and antisocial behaviour in the evenings and at night.

We then moved on to exploring other areas of the town centre, heading towards the Brunswick Shopping Centre. This is a place that the young people find disheartening due to its many vacant and empty shops, which remind young people of the general lack of jobs opportunities and services available for Scarborough’s residents (as opposed to services and entertainment available to tourists during the summer). Young people captured the vacant shops and the general deserted atmosphere on camera. To follow, we had a hot chocolate break.

We then left Brunswick and moved on to filming the Grand Hotel, another Scarborough’s landmark which the young people feel should be better preserved and presented.

Being by the seaside, we decided to spend some time filming the sea and the beach area. These are places that have a much more positive connotation for the young people.