Session Three: 'Selecting Research Quotes' - Participatory filmmaking with young people in york
The third session started with a recap of all the films materials gathered so far: keywords and creative writing, symbolic images, storyboards, images of York, and images of artworks produced by the Group during previous phases of this research project.
Selecting research quotes
The project “Geographies of exclusion and inclusion: a comparative investigation of families”, which this series of participatory filmmaking sessions is part of, comprised several different research activities, including qualitative interviews with young people from Kyra.
In order to complete the range of film materials available to participants, a selection of quotes from the qualitative interviews were proposed to the group during this third session. The group was asked to read through the quotes and select which ones they thought would be important to include in the film.
Participants were also invited to produce their own quote if they felt that the selection provided lacked important insight on specific themes.
The quotes were organised around four themes, and the group worked through each theme for the entire duration of the session.
Here is a description of each theme:
Theme 1: Understandings of Emotional Support. This theme includes definitions of what emotional support means to different people.
Participants selected quotes which show how important it is to be supported by people willing to listen and to make space for one’s own feelings, whether it is through personal relationships or professional support. Quotes selected also touch on how difficult it can be to access support due to long waiting lists. Participants added sentences highlighting how better access to services is fundamental, but also how supportive listening can take place any time amongst any human being.
Theme 2: Important People. This theme includes quotes on the role of family, friendships, relationships, pets.
Participants selected a range of quotes covering both the positive aspects of relationships (how family and friends can make a huge different on the emotional wellbeing of a person) and their challenging aspects (how damaging it can be when relationships are not supportive and how a person can cope with this). Participants added sentences which articulate some of these challenges, while also reserving a role to categories of people, such as café owners and waiters, charity shops’ workers, etc. who, while not being friends per se, are still able to create a safe space that can be enjoyed by customers and foster a sense of familiarity.
Theme 3: York as a place. This theme includes quotes on how York plays a role in the emotional wellbeing of young people.
Participants selected quotes which both capture the beauty and safety of York (its landmarks, historical spaces, cafes), and the challenges it poses to young people, especially in relation to the stark cost of living crisis. Some additional sentences added to the list dedicated more attention to the importance of green spaces and challenges related to transport in York.
Theme 4: Take-away messages. This theme includes quotes which encapsulate the overall discussion on emotional wellbeing and could appear in the film as take-home messages for the audience.
Participants selected quotes which reserve particular importance to listening, confirming how this should be a key core message in the film.
The next step in the filmmaking process will be to assemble the quotes selected with the writing produced in Session 2 to create a voice over for the film.